Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's Tattler Thursday Again.....1/24/13

Hi guys and gals! It's Tattler Thursday here at W3G again! Welcome back! Today is the day where parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, babysitters, friends, cousins, or anyone with an awesome kid story can let down their hair and share! ...I love kids and I love kid stories! I created this event so that we could all take a minute out of our busy days and share a story and giggle at a few others! There is no purpose other than to have fun sharing war stories from in the trenches parenthood! Anything goes, gross, gooey, sticky, funny, scary, crazy, pull your hair out wild kid stories! So it's that time again, time for all you adults to tattle on your kids! So ready...set...GO! Time to tattle tell! Happy tattling! I cannot wait to read all of your great stories!



  1. Okay, I'll go first! Oh and friends and fellow bloggers, feel free to share this event! The more stories the better! So todays story is brought to you courtesy of my child, the super lil human! Daddy the dearest and I take my lil punkin doo(who was almost 2 at the time) to her second ever cartoon movie, Despicable Me. She gets bored halfway through, so Daddy the dearest takes her out to the lobby to play the driving game. Well, needless to say, we have a little accident. The poor little movie theatre attendant comes to find me in the theatre, to tell me that my husband needs me right away. I immediately asked if something happened to my daughter, and being all of 17, and not so eloquent as of yet, said you just need to get out there! It's an emergency. I run, yes literally run to the lobby. I see my hub holding our lil punkin doo, her face covered in blood. He is also covered in her blood. I feel my adrenaline kick in. I pick her up and out we race to the car. I asked what happened, and apparently when she was done playing the first driving game, she wanted to play on the next one right beside the first one. She hopped down in the blink of an eye, thinking that being all of her big long two years old, she could hop all the way down by herself. So in the blink of an eye, she tried it. She hopped down ie fell down in between the games, and hit her head. She hopped down lightening fast, and on the other side of the game from where hubbie the dearest was watching her. Now let me tell you, for those of you that have 2yo's, you know exactly how quick the little boogers could move! He couldn't catch her in time! So she split her forehead open on the right side. All of you seasoned parents out there also know how badly head wounds bleed! So I am shaking, trying to calm her down in the backseat, as we rush to MedExpress. I am going through the range of emotions, guilt, anger, panic, being scared as this is her first big booboo ever, worry, anxiety, etc. So all she wants is mommy to hold her. So I am all squished into the backseat of our teensy tiny Kia Soul, trying to hold her as best I can in a carseat, and let me tell you people, that was not easy, because I am a fat bottomed girl! So we rush into the doctor place, they bring us back to be seen immediately. I am holding my baby in my arms, trying to keep her calm, while the doc examines her. She was not a happy camper! SO they decide gluing, yes gluing her gash back together was the best option. So they ask if we, the parents would like to help. Of course I say yes, but hubbie the dearest is a little squeamish, so I released him from duty. Let me just say this, he stood outside the door while she screamed. There is nothing, and I mean nothing that rips through your heart like your child's blood curtling screams, and her cries begging for the doctors and nurses to stop. Meanwhile, I mommy the strongest, decide to help them hold her down for the glue-ing. The tears start to fall for the second time this day. My child is like a wild maniac, thrashing back and forth on the table. The first attempt to restrain my child was unsuccessful. They only brought in three people plus me. She wiggled out, and knocked them all away. So the doc and nurses regrouped in the hallway. I full out bawling silently at this point, trying to explain some form of reason into my baby. SHe is scared and pissed. I mean pissed. She asked me why I was letting them do this to her. Oh man,, that BROKE MY HEART! I did not want her to think that they were hurting her, that I was letting them fix her up and make her feel all better. She was not buying it. So the team of doc's and nurses came back for round #2.

  2. COntinued from above.... Ding, Ding. SO including me, it took seven grown adult to hild my child down. She was all about finding her super human strength. She fought like a wildcat, and it took forever, because an arm would get loose, and then a leg. Then she would turn her head, etc. SO you get the picture. Seven grown adult, six being medical professionals. They said they had never seen one so strong at 2 years old! SO thy finally get her head glued, and hold it still for a few minutes, ad popped a big old band aid on her forehead. They gave her stickers, and a sucker. She wanted nothing but momma. We were out of there faster than you can say speeding bullet. I have never felt such momma guilt in all my life. She still to this day cannot stand to be held when she doesn't want to be held, or hugged. Because of the seven grown adults holding her down. For a couple of days afterward, she wouldn't let anybody hold her but mommy! SO that is my little super hero story


  3. Vickie Wannall- well I dont usually like these type of things but after this morning I will tell one. I looked at my bank account and saw several Itunes charges that I did not make. I just knew someone had hacked my account. I called Apple and after talking to 3 different people and answering numerous security questions the security guy told me.... well these charges were made from your phone via a game called Amazing Ants. WHO PLAYS THAT GAME? MY 4 yr old granddaughter!!! I did not have restrictions on and when she clicked on certain things it was just charging them to my account. Who knew a 4 yr old could do that? He advised me to turn on restrictions and told me how and then removed the charges. YEA.... After stressing and thinking someone was using my account frauduently , I find out that handing my phone to a 4 yr old to play with is not a smart idea unless you have the restrictions

  4. Okay, so we only got one comment! But it was hilarious! What a way to let me know that my lil punkin doo has been running up meemee's phone bill! Sorry MIL! I am determined that Tattler Thursday will catch on eventually! I have received awesome feedback, and will keep posting Tattler Thursday every Thursday! Get to thinking up next week's tattle tales dear readers!
