Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Anniversary...

Hiya Snappers! Missed you yesterday at the Hop! Don't forget to hop over next week for Tattler Thursday!


So today, Hubbie the Dearest and I have been hitched nine glorious years! Happy Anniversary HTD! Me love you long time! So we had planned to go to an outdoor concert for our anniversary, had an overnight babysitter lined up(and let me tell you, that doesn't happen often), and this post is about what happened instead.  So far, until before dinner time.


Yesterday afternoon when I picked  up my darling child from HTD's grandmamma at around 3:15, she was exhausted.  I know. She was also burning up. Inside. In the cool, bought air. Great. We have been running non stop, for going on close to six weeks.  We have been out of town on vacation for two separate weeks, I know baby, mommy's exhausted too!

So we go home, and the first sign something is wrong, is that my 4yo immediately asks to go to my bedroom, because it is the hottest room in the house, because she is freezing.  She wants me to snuggle her, which is the next odd thing, because being almost 5, she is fast growing out of the snuggle me mommy phase.  She requested matching popsicles for her and myself, and to watch TV while she wrapped her lil heated body around mine, snuggled under my big, hot, comforter.  Uh-oh. And let me tell you, having a three day old sunburn is not fun when your daughter is on fire! And has decided to wrap herself around you to the point of becoming another limb! So I gave her some motrin, and we fell asleep.

Now my daughter fights taking naps anymore.  I am in mourning for nappie time, people, seriously! After a two and a half hour nap, we wake up slimily stuck together.  Sweating profusely anywhere her little body is stuck to mine.  At least the motrin cooled her upper half down! So she is clingy and wants to cuddle until daddy gets home.  She ate another popsicle, and was making an unsuccessful attempt at eating her dinner, when HTD arrived home.  So she layed around, snuggled some more, and layed on the cool couch until bedtime.

She wanted me to come to bed to snuggle her, so I did.  I snuggled her little uncomfortabley hot body all night.  I held her in my arms, her favorite place to be when she is sick, which is not very often. I listened to her snore, to make sure she was breathing, waited on her motrin to kick in and cool her down, which it never did, and finally slapped a cool washrag on her head continually til her fever came down.  I held a in-bed-with vigil for my baby all night long, until I finally fell asleep for a couple of hours.  I woke every time she coughed, scared this was going to be the time she puked, and not wanting her to choke on it.  I worried, as mommies do, that her fever would not come down, and that I was going to have to take her to the ER.  I wondered if she would soak in a cool bath, I googled meningitis and other communicable diseases that can be caught from the swimming pool(spent 2 days this week in pool), on my phone, and I prayed.  A lot.  I don't know what you believe, but I believe my God and hers, answers prayers.

So I finally get over the hump of the night and fall asleep again about 5:45.  She is cool, breathing normally, and is sound asleep. The nexy thing I know HTD is coming in to check on her and us, when he wakes up. Miraculously, she has remained cool since the 4am dose of motrin, and washrags.  So I roll over.  She stirs, and rolls over too.  HTD comes to tell us goodbye and bring another dose of medicine before he leaves for work.  my baby hugs her daddy, and he kisses us both.   He goes to brush his teeth, the 4yo rolls over, and I go to pee.  And that is where, from my throne in the bathroom, I wished Hubbie the Dearest a Happy Anniversary! Sexiest Happy Anniversary Wishing Ever! Hah! And the fun was just beginning.

So of course, as soon as HTD leaves for work, my baby is up and at 'em. She requests a popsicle and Mickey Mouse on Disney Jr.  Okay, waffle first.  So I prepare her waffle.Then she comes back and snuggles in her bed for a few minutes , after she uses the potty.  Then she then sits up, looks at her waffle, and starts coughing. THE coughing.  All you parents out there know THE cough.  The one where they cough so hard, they make themselves puke.  Lightening fast, I grabbed the designated puke receptacle, and, pschew, she aimed and I caught it! Puke -0, mommy -1. Yay! Yumm-o Gatorade! Yuuuum breakfast!

So we mosey into the living room.  We watch kid tv, drink Gatorade, and eat popsicles for the remainder of the morning. it has been several hours, so I was thinking of giving her a cracker, or toast, when great grandma drops by to bring a strawberry and vitamin care package to her baby.  So using my sleep deprived, also half sick and dehydrated forgetful mommy brain for food decisions, I give the 4yo a couple of gummi vitamins. That's some good decision making right there, and oh boy did I pay for it!

I proceed to make lunch for me, and a few crackers and a couple potato chips for the 4yo.  I no more than snuggle up on the couch, pop in a movie, and settle in to eat half of my sandwich, when the 4yo asks me to pause the movie.  I pause the movie, she gets off the couch, and in slow motion, projectile vomits all over the living room floor.  Dammit, she did not tell me she had to puke, the puke bag was right beside us!  I thought she had to pee! She hit everything! The couch, the floor, across the floor into the kitchen, over to the other wall, not to mention far reaching splatters that went in every direction. I have never witnessed anyone puke standing up, have you? I contemplated letting her finish in a bag, but she already doused herself and the floor, so I just let her have at it. Thank you God for not letting her hit HTD's TV! That is all. Thank you!

So now I wipe her down, take her to the bathroom, as she now has to poop, and wipe up the floor with towels.  I go to get the Swiffer and the button doesn't work.  So as I maniacally shake the Swiffer and push the button to get the juice to come out, And there is no Swiffer juice in the bottle.  Crap.  Just freaking craptastic. Okay it cannot get any worse! Or so I think. I can just imagine how crazy and hilarious I look while shake begging if you will, willing the Swiffer to work.  So just when I decide to use Lysol disinfectant wipes on the floor, wipee skating across the floor, I hear ,"MOMMY...", so I go running to the bathroom.  She just was having a lazy day and needed wiped. Pschew, no problem babydoll, I bet she was exhausted after that fantastical display of spray!

So she is stripped down as I wipee ice-skate across the hardwood living room floor.  She asks to help.  Sure, why not? So as my nekkie 4yo and I are finishing up our ice dancing routine brought to you by Lysol lemon scented disinfectant wipes, I again visualize just how this would look to a neighbor.  Gotta get that final window curtain up!

                                                      (Excuse my swollen Hobbit feet)

So now it is time for the shower.  The 4yo hangs out in the cool shower for close to a half an hour.  It felt good and cooled down her little hot body.  So I wash her hair when she is done, and just as I am getting ready to rinse all the suds from her long, curly, coarse, hard to handle hair, she yells, " Mommy I have to poop!" Bahahaha! I stand there in amazement.  I even ask her if she is kidding! Alas, my friends, she is not.  She couldn't wait! So I spread a towel from the shower to the potty, and watch as my child reaches the potty with suds galore sluicing down her back and booty.  Only in the movies! So let me ask you, have you ever tried to wipe a child's poopy butt while there are water and suds running down at the same time.  Visualize, if you will, what happens to toilet paper when it gets wet...right. Fun times people. Fun times. About this time HTD texts me that he is feeling queasy and coughing.  And Happy Anniversary! Lovely, just lovely.  Ditto, baby, ditto!

So I get her washed, rinsed, lotioned, conditioned and clothed.  Now time for mommy's shower.  I put her in my room watching tv, comfortably ensconced with her puke bag.  I take a quick uneventful shower, except for when I spaz out because I hear her coughing. It's ok, even though I spazzed out, she is bag trained! Whoo!

So thanks for hanging in there with me, I know the length of this blog is nearing epic proportions! We are almost done! I promise! Next up, the air conditioning has frozen up because it's a small unit, and it was a 90+ degree day outside today!  I turned it up, but alas, that did not work.  Apparently I needed to turn the fan on, the AC off, and sit back and roast.  Mission accomplished! All while dealing with the aforementioned occurances of my 9th wedding anniversary. 80 degrees? No problem! That's how we roll around here, taking things with a grain of salt and a pinch of grace! Wink!


So you all know I always try to find the positive , or the silver lining in everything and in every situation.  So my silver linings today are this, my husband and my daughter, my little family.  Even though today did not go at all as we had planned, I am thankful.  I am thankful and very blessed in the man that I call my husband.  He is my soul mate , my best friend, my lover, my protector, my provider, my one in a million trambillion(to quote the 4yo), spoils me rotten, takes excellent care of me, puts up with me and my moods, and still loves me and thinks I am sexy.   I am his and he is mine.  He made one of my biggest dreams come true on our wedding day, 9 years ago today.  We are still living our fairy tale. We made a promise to stick together, me and him against the world no matter what.  And we have.  He also made my dream come true of raising a family together, by first allowing me to help raise his children, our children, and then after over a year of infertility struggles, have our very own little miracle baby. So today I am so very thankful for this man, to this man, and the opportunity he has given me, for some, very special little one, to puke on me and call me mommy. 


Happy 9th Anniversary baby! I love you more than words! Oh and I almost forgot! To commemorate the occasion, the 4yo drew half of a 9 in permanent pink marker on the dining room table! Awesome!


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tattler Thursday Blog Hop #3

Welcome to the Tattler Thursday Blog Hop! Thanks to everyone who participated for a successful second week of the 'Hop! I just love you guys! So it's week #3, did you bring your crazy kid story? It's a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! I love funny kid stories and I want to hear yours! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment on W3G with your story/tattle, follow your Host and Co-Hostesses, and visit and discover other blogs! Remember the easiest way to get a follow back is to like other pages and leave a comment! So hop around, tell your friends and share, share, share! Happy Tattling!

And P.S. Please, Please, Please follow your host and co-hostesses! We do this for free, and fun, so please reward us for all the hard work of putting on a blog hop! Thanks guys and dolls! Muah! Wink!


                                                                 The Rules are:

                                          1- Follow Your Host and Co-Hostess
                                          2- Grab my button and display it on your blog or hop page/section
                                          3- Leave a comment with a funny, wacky, or gross kid story/tattle
                                          4- Hop over to other blogs and visit/network and share the Hop
                                          5- Have fun Hopping! (and come back next week!)
                                                        The Wild and Wonderful World of Gingerssnaps                                                       



The Sadder But Wiser Girl


                                                                   Grab The Button

The Wild and Wonderful World of Gingerssnaps


           If you are interested in Co-Hosting, please contact me @ !

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Last Week of Co-Hosting theBlog Twit Love Hop

Hiya Snappers! This is the last week that I am Co-Hosting the Blog Twit Love Hop! Be sure and sign up, network and have fun!- Happy Hopping -Ginger

Dawn’s Disaster
Welcome to the Twitter Hop!  The only "rule" here is to follow as many people on the hop as possible!  I'd love it if you would grab a button and put it on your sidebar or "where hop/party" page.  Alright, let's get this party started!  So, put your TWITTER on the first link up ( USER NAME) and your BLOGLOVIN blog on the second link up, then gain some new followers.
Dawn~from Dawn's Disaster
Natasha~from Serenity You
Terri~from Rambling Momma
Ginger~from GingerSnaps
Don't forget to share and Tweet about this link up! If you are interested in Co-Hosting for July, please email me: dawnsdisaster {at} gmail {dot} com  to get signed up!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Betsy Beansprout; Bird Watching Guide Book Review

Hiya Snappers! Thanks for making my blog hop a success! You guys Rock! Don't forget to stop by next week and spread the word!

So spreading the word is what Today's post is all about!  A little youth group girl, that I used to babysit, is all grown up!  Amber Elmore is her name, and she is a published author of a children's book series called Betsy Beansprout!  Her new book about Betsy has been released, and the book release party is at Cabela's in Charleston, WV on June 1, 2013 from 12p-3p.  She also has a Facebook page, and is currently running a contest for a free set of (three) Betsy books, through May 30, 2013. Like her and enter the contest on FB here; Betsy Beansprout Facbook Page .

Betsy Beansprout: Bird Watching Guide, is the name of author Amber Elmore's brand new book! It is a bird watching guide, filled with the main character, Betsy's favorite birds!  It is a book from the perspective of the 6 year old title character, who lives in a state park. The Betsy series of books, teaches children how to have fun outdoors. It is published by ShadeTree Publishing in Ashland, Ky.

So be sure to check out Amber and Betsy! Leave her a comment telling her Ginger, her old babysitter, sent you! I would love a set of these books for my daughter! Happy reading!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tattler Thursday Blog Hop #2

Welcome to the Tattler Thursday Blog Hop! Thanks to everyone who participated for a successful first week of the 'Hop! I just love you guys! So it's week #2, did you bring your crazy kid story? It's a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! I love funny kid stories and I want to hear yours! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment on W3G with your story/tattle, follow your Host and Co-Hostesses, and visit and discover other blogs! Remember the easiest way to get a follow back is to like other pages and leave a comment! So hop around, tell your friends and share, share, share! Happy Tattling!


                                                                 The Rules are:

                                          1- Follow Your Host and Co-Hostess
                                          2- Grab my button and display it on your blog or hop page/section
                                          3- Leave a comment with a funny, wacky, or gross kid story/tattle
                                          4- Hop over to other blogs and visit/network and share the Hop
                                          5- Have fun Hopping! (and come back next week!)
                                                        The Wild and Wonderful World of Gingerssnaps                                                       



Comfytown Chronicles

                                                                   Grab The Button

The Wild and Wonderful World of Gingerssnaps


           If you are interested in Co-Hosting, please contact me @ !

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Co-Hosting the BlogTwitLov Hop

Hiya 'Snappers! Once again I am co-hosting the Blog Twit Love Hop! I just love, love, love Hops and new friends! Be sure to link up, follow, comment, network, and have fun! -G

THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOUR LOYAL TWEEPS!  We appreciate you coming back each week and linking up and SHARING the #BlogTwitLov hop!  As a token of my appreciation, I am giving away some Ms. Middle ad space.  Link up, be sure to follow your me (your Host) and your 4 Co-Hosts, then apply for a Ms. Middle ad space, using BlogTwitLov code.  If you are linked up and follow us, then you will be approved by the end of the week!  Let's get started!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
Dawn’s Disaster
The only "rule" here is to follow as many people on the hop as possible!  So, put your TWITTER on the first link up ( USER NAME) and your BLOGLOVIN blog on the second link up, then gain some new followers.
Dawn~from Dawn's Disaster
Natasha~from Serenity You
Terri~from Rambling Momma
Ginger~from GingerSnaps
Don't forget to share and Tweet about this link up!
If you are interested in Co-Hosting for July, please email me: dawnsdisaster {at} gmail {dot} com  to get signed up! Don't forget to sign up for my Little Caesars **GIVEAWAY! Signature Fonts
Image by FontMeme

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Beautiful Mama Blog Award

Melissa, over at Home, Home on Deranged , presented with this lovely blog award! I am so excited to receive it from such an awesome blogger! Thankya mam! Sorry it took so long to get this post out! Wink!

The only rules are 1- that I have to tell you three things about myself
                       and 2- That I award it to other deserving bloggers!

So here goes!

1- ComfyTown Chronicles
2- Adventure Into Domesticland
3- High Heels and Coffee
4- Chill Thoughts
5- Mom Rants and Comfy Pants
6- Busy Mom of 4 Kids and a Blog
7- The Sadder But Wiser Girl


1- I am living my dream.  I always wanted a little girl when I was growing up, and now I am staying home to raise her.  It's breaking my heart she will be 5 in August, and she starts Kindergarten the day after her birthday.

2- I love my husband.  No, seriously! I adore my husband, my best friend.  I found my soul mate, conked him over the head with a frying pan, and drug him to the alter! Wink!

3- I have fantastically awesome boobs! Bahaha! I am completely blessed in the boobage department! I am very proud of my girls! They look awesome, fed my child, please my husband, and attract admiration from various and sundry strangers! And they are famous! Well if you count being on several videos from Chillicothe EasyRiders Bike Week a few years back..heehee!


Friday, May 17, 2013

My Blogging Inspiration, Thank You's, and NoWannaBe's

I wanted to take a moment, or a few actually, to tell you about bloggers that inspire me. No pretty pics today, just pretty people!  I created and hosted the first ever Tattler Thursday Blog Hop yesterday! It was a success! To me anyway! I was thrilled! It took my Facebook likes to over 200(203), my Bloglovin followers went up, my page views hit over 7800, and Twitter followers are up to 133! Yay! These may not be the biggest numbers to some, but 9 people(besides me and my co-hostess) stopped by to hop, and I am stoked!

My co-hostess, Miss Cristyl over at CHill Thoughts , called me her blogging inspiration yesterday.  Wow...I am speechless.  Me? An inspiration? Are you sure? I am deeply touched, honored, and thank you from the bottom of my lil heart! Muah! Also a big thank you to Miss Cristyl for being a friend, an OLD friend(heehee her birthday was yesterday!), my bestest blogging buddy, and my partner in co-hosting all new ventures! I appreciate and luvya doll! YOU INSPIRE ME! You cloth diaper, raise chickens, and make your own baby food, have 3 kids, for gods sakes woman, I don't even have one little green freckle on either of my thumbs! Gahhh! And you are a beautiful old soul that has been through so very much, and still shines! And you pour it out there in your writing! And likes ME! Inspiration right there people. Beautiful!

So I started to think, what other bloggers inspire me? What keeps me coming back to their blogs and pages, again and again? Honesty.  I love to read a good post that touches my heart strings and moves me to tears.  A post that takes me along on the author's journey.  A post that makes me feel , or experience what that blogger has gone through!
 I also love brutally honest blogs! People that rip off all the band aids, and just pour it all out on paper. Real people with real issues sharing with the world.  Check out my sidebar; Guest Bloggers!

I love funny mommy blogs.  The ones that lay it all out there.  The good, the bad, and the messy!  Ones that let you know your not alone in this crazy adventure called mommyhood!  I love to laugh, and adore other wifeys and mommies that make me crack up with their take on this big 'ol blue and green planet we live on, and the tiny blue and green(and brown)eyed little monsters(blessings) that we live with!

We have all been about the numbers at one point.  We all start out  about the writing, I think.  Some of us may actually start out as number or attention whores from the beginning! I don't know actually.  I like to believe the best in everybody, until you cross me, or ignore me.  But it is really all about the writing.  And being human, sometimes we all forget! Sometimes, there are just no words, or there is no time! Life, GAH! How dare you get in my way! There is writing to write.....

So now it's time to tell you who doesn't inspire me.  And I have been waiting for an opportunity to write about these pet peeves of mine for awhile now!  I was a hard knock blogger.  Meaning that I did not have one bloggy friend in the universe, when I got started.  I had to research, discover for myself by trial and error, and look longingly at others blogs for things I liked and wanted to emulate on my lil bloggity blog.  I did not have a blogging big sis or fairy bloggie godmother, so to speak to guide me through the blogosphere.  I had to discover and sort through the facebook buttons, the twitter buttons, the linking and unlinking your blog and FB to twitter, the pages, the pictures, the, the, the all of it out by my lonesome.  I had to discover setting up my blog one step at a time.  I finally bought a gianormous book, Blogging for Dummies, which helped on a couple of things, but was no end all be all of things I wanted to know. 

I finally figured out Hops, and commenting on pages and blogs you like to get a return follow or like, I figured out copy and paste, I figured out wallpapers, and the mother of all beasties to figure out, the best kept secret in the bloggy universe when your new, how to create a button!  That one took me forever!  But I finally figured it out!

So I am going to share with you an ugly little story about another wicked step sister blogger, who will remain unnamed.  Because I am not like her.  I was dying to know how to make my own button, I had the perfect picture, finally, and just needed a resource to direct me to a tutorial or something.  One day I saw the wicked stepsister put out a public FB shout for a button swap.  I really, really wanted to do this so very badly!  I commented on her FB message that I would love to, but could she help/direct me to where I could make a button?  She not only did not answer me, help me, or send me elsewhere, but she committed the cardinal sin of all for one, one for all blogging sisterhood, the faux pas of all time, she deleted my message and ignored me! I was previously in awe of said blogger, and her big beautiful girl pride, and beautiful sailor themed blog.  No more.  It made me feel small, sad that a sister blogger wouldn't want to help me, a new fish in a big pond, out, and the rude, better than thou attitude of just deleting my obviously embarrassing to her message.  Geez.  I was bummed.  But like my resilient self, I was pissed! I was going to figure it out Dam%#$, I was!  So all on my own, I, through trial and error, finally figured it out! Just in the last couple of weeks, I noticed she sent out a similar button exchange request, and giggled to myself, cause my lil bloggy blog is the size of hers now! TeeHee! I am sure she won't think this post is about her, because I am not important enough for her to read! And if she does, I don't care!

That's the kind of blogger I never want to be.  The NoWannaBe like her blogger. Thinking that I am better, and 'more popular' than anyone else, too busy or above helping anyone out!  I will help anyone out who asks!  Just ask all the bloggers that have asked for my help, and buttons I have made for them! I am all about helping anyone out with anything. When I do a button swap, I will never put a restriction on only 'similar size' blogs need apply! Ridiculous! All important! This is not a contest or job interview, I do this because I love to write, make people laugh, share, have fun and meet new people! I am a stay at home mommy, I do this to hear myself think/write.  To stay sane some days!Aggravates the crap outta me! Holier than thou my foot! I don't need shallow, self-important people in my lil bloggy world!  I have had enough of those in real life, no more please!

  As my fellow blogging buddy Miss Sarah, over at The Sadder But Wiser Girl told me, "We're all in this together!"  She has offered me her help and advice on numerous occasions, and also has watched out for me when blogger was screwing up my posts, and had my back! She is the kind of blogger I want to be like! And Miss Morgan over at The Inklings of Life , she kindly answered a question or two, when I asked, when she has kids, a hubbie, an etsy store, a blog, a photo challenge, and a million other things going on!  I want to be like her, a kind heart who makes time for the little gals!  And even to listen to a complete stranger pour her heart out! I also want to be like Miss Joy over at ComfyTown Chronicles , who is my pimp buddy! We pimp each other out on short notice all the time, with a "Sure Kid!"  I also want to be like the excited bloggers that write a post around my blog hop theme, Tattler Thursday, like Miss Ali over at  High Heels and Coffee ! I also want to stay honest in following all the hosts and co-hosts when I sign up for a blog hop, comment when I am moved by a post, and help out all of my fellow bloggers when asked or needed! I want to be one of the kind of bloggers that scratches anothers back, helps a girl out, or that everyone just plain adores! Wink! Except for the NoWannaBe, I don't give a hoot if she ever adores me!

So if you have questions, ask!  Most of the bloggy universe will take the time to help you out! If you happen to get a NoWannaBe, just ignore them and move on! Unfortunately they are out there, no matter how sweetly they smile in their blog profile pics! Pretty is as pretty does! Everyone blogs for their own reasons, best I can do is fill my lil corner of the blogosphere with lovely ladies that do and do alike! SO to all my lovelies, and faithful snappers, I love you! You are my inspiration!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The First Ever Tattler Thursday Blog Hop

Welcome to the Tattler Thursday Blog Hop! It's a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! I love funny kid stories and I want to hear yours! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment on W3G with your story/tattle, follow your Host and Co-Hostess, and visit and discover other blogs! Since this is first official Tattler Thursday Hop, I am leaving the hop open through Sunday! So tell your friends and share, share, share! Happy Tattling'!


                                                                 The Rules are:

                                          1- Follow Your Host and Co-Hostess
                                          2- Grab my button and display it on your blog or hop page/section
                                          3- Leave a comment with a funny, wacky, or gross kid story/tattle
                                          4- Hop over to other blogs and visit/network and share the Hop
                                          5- Have fun Hopping! (and come back next week!)
                                                    The Wild and Wonderful World of Gingerssnaps                                                       



                                                                   Grab The Button

The Wild and Wonderful World of Gingerssnaps

Blog Twit Love Hop

Hiya Snappers! It's that time again! Time to hop around, discover new blogs, make new friends, promote your Blog Lovin and Twitter, and have fun! Happy Hoppin!

THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOUR LOYAL TWEEPS!  We appreciate you coming back each week and linking up and SHARING the #BlogTwitLov hop!  As a token of my appreciation, I am giving away some Ms. Middle ad space.  Link up, be sure to follow your me (your Host) and your 4 Co-Hosts, then apply for a Ms. Middle ad space, using BlogTwitLov code.  If you are linked up and follow us, then you will be approved by the end of the week!  Let's get started!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
Dawn’s Disaster
The only "rule" here is to follow as many people on the hop as possible!  So, put your TWITTER on the first link up ( USER NAME) and your BLOGLOVIN blog on the second link up, then gain some new followers.
Dawn~from Dawn's Disaster
Natasha~from Serenity You
Terri~from Rambling Momma
Ginger~from GingerSnaps
Don't forget to share and Tweet about this link up!
If you are interested in Co-Hosting for July, please email me: dawnsdisaster {at} gmail {dot} com  to get signed up!

Signature Fonts
Image by FontMeme

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Firmoo Glasses Review

I was contacted by to try a pair of  free prescription glasses, in exchange for writing a review on my blog.  Who is Firmoo ? I checked it out and found they are the world's most popular online eyeglasses store. They said to include the good, bad and ugly in my review. Really? So I decided ,"what the heck," and gave them a try! They also allowed me to choose between a regular or prescription pair of eyeglasses, or sunglasses! What company does that? The awesome company I am getting ready to tell you about, that's who! Firmoo!

I went online to , checked out the site,  picked out my glasses, and entered the code they gave me, to order a  pair of glasses to try out for free! I did not even have to pay shipping and handling!  It was easy to navigate the order form, until I got to the prescription page. Whoops, forgot I had an astigmatism and that I was a wee bit near sighted.  Ah, the joys of getting older !  It did require me to call my Optometrist for my prescription.  Once I had the prescription numbers, I logged back into the Firmoo website, and had some trouble, where I had tried to order previously.  I emailed my contact, Antonio, who was more than happy to help me navigate the website.  He responded to my email almost immediately, and provided me with excellent customer service.  I would highly recommend this company to any and everyone!

                                                  So here are the glasses I picked out!
They came with a soft sided bag, hard case(not pictured), and cleaning cloth.
After ordering, I checked the mail everyday for my new glasses!  I finally got them after about 4 weeks. I started wearing my new glasses immediately! I love them! is currently running a special for my readers until June 1, 2013. You put the discount code in at checkout.   It is GRIEFCHRONICLESBLOGE2 
                     which can save 30% on the frames at (the designer glasses are excluded.)
I have had nothing but great dealings with this online company! You should definitely give them a try!
 Here is the link to the glasses I chose, , so you can check them out!
Also be sure to check out Firmoo's  First Pair Free program, here; .
One more picture at the musical Evita, where I was rocking my brand new Firmoo glasses!
*Disclaimer: All opinions are solely mine.  I was not monetarily compensated for this review.*