I have been off the charts as of late, with all the major milestones happening in our lives. You know the ones that you would rather enjoy than lose sleep to write about? TheLil Punkin Doo’s first short haircut, the lawsuit against us that has drug on for years, being dropped, losing first and second teeth, starting school, doctor visits with shots, Mommy looking for a job, getting a PT job, playdates, hospitalization, jail, mommy friends, and school activities galore! Dance class, getting a FT job and making the difficult decision to go back to work. Trying to balance my family/work life, learning my new job, which is doing something totally different than I have ever done before, and trying to learn to juggle everything and everybody so that there is enough time for all. I am doing better at it now, but it is still a learning curve! Halloween! Halloween festivities, pumpkin festivals, pumpkin house, 2 parties, and dance dress up for class and party, and the new bridge in our town opening and advertising T.o.T, but not having any candy, so retreating to MIL’s neighborhood for T.o.T.’ng. Mom’s birthday, second one without her, GNO, and no time for me! Not to mention the punishing the 5yo has been putting us through for me going back to work. Such a sweet manipulator that one!
So I thought I would give you a peek into my Mommy musings from the tub this morning! So pull up a chair and welcome to the condo in my brain, reserved just for you!
As I sat in my tub this morning, I discovered the secret of the pink tub ring, from the children's book, The Cat in the Hat Returns, by Dr. Seuss. Does anyone actually remember the pink tub ring? Well I do, and it struck me this morning! As I sat in the tub, watching the pink bubbly goo coat my bathtub, it hit me that I have discovered where it comes from. The question now becomes, not where does it come from, but who! Who does the pink tub ring come from?
In the book, we are led to believe that it comes from the Cat in the Hat. Have we ever entertained the possibility that the pink ring was there when the cat got into the tub? Like a previously dirty family member left it there? We do not see the tub before the cat sat in it. Therefore we cannot assume that the cat put it there. So what if the children incorrectly assume that the pink ring is the cat’s fault and the cleanup, his responsibility? What if the poor Cat in the Hat is simply a nosey visitor, dropped by without announcing himself first ,turned do-gooder, just trying to help out the poor children who did not even know they were stuck with a pink ring in the tub. What if the mother came home and discovered the tub was clean and that funny business had been going on, because she left the pink tub ring there when rinsing out her newly self- dyed, freshly washed , red hair?
The kids thought they had averted disaster when they got the yard cleaned up and the uninvited guest out of their house. But what the story did not tell us, was what happened when the mother arrived home, and discovered her pink tub ring missing and the gigantic yard full of snow, in neat and tidy order. I mean seriously those kids are like what all of about 4 and 6? Plus what mother leaves her kids home to shovel snow anyway while she goes down to town for the day? I mean really? I barely let mine out of my sight! Also, what could have 2 young children used to get this unscrubbable, aint coming off with boric acid, hellatious pink ring off of the tub? Really? And what 4 or 6 year old, that you know, scrubs the tub?
Anyway, I have missed you guys! Don’t forget to drop in tonight and tomorrow for the Tattler Thursday Blog and Social Media Hop! Cannot wait to see ya! Muah!
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